Beautitudes of Conservation
Contributed by Mary Klicka
Open Letter to HAMPDEN
1. Blessed are they who plant the long-lived tree and shrubs, for generations shall rise up and call them blessed.
2. Bless are they who are owners of flower gardens for in the heart of a flower may be seen its Creator.
3. Blessed are they who appreciate nature’s gifts, for they shall be known as lovers of beauty.
4. Blessed are they who clean up the highways, byways and home grounds, for cleanliness is next to godliness.
5. Blessed are they who brighten and freshen their buildings and fences with paint, for improvement and the praise of many people shall be their reward.
6. Blessed are they who war on signs and banish the billboards along the rural highway, for they shall be called protectors of roadside beauty and landscape scenery.
7. Blessed are they who stand against friend and relative in the protection of nature’s gifts to our Nation, for they shall be recognized as true patriots of America.
8. Blessed are the towns with progressive planning boards, for great beauty, prosperity and peace shall descend upon them.
9. Great shall be the reward of those who protect our forests from fire, for the bird shall continue to serve him and the fish and wild animal to furnish his food.
10. Whosoever conserveth our Natural Resources, serveth himself and generations following.
*written by Mrs. J. Pryor in 1928